Saturday, July 31, 2004

THANK YOU . . .!!!

Once again, it is past time to say “THANK YOU!” If we could say it each second, minute, hour---it would not be enough.


It’s not just me! I found this:

THANKS at Defend America

RHODE ISLAND (our smallest state) said, "Thank You!"

They said it


[Search for Rhode Island shows: “Your search returned 27476.0 results”]

AGAINST AJ. . .!!!

AYS—Iraq at a Glance

AYS said:

I think we must:Stop those channels and then fight the terrorists……..It’s not enough to warn them, we did that previously, there must be a way to stop them.. I believe that without those channels the terrorists will be powerless and weak.

Max said:

Al Jazeera is a propaganda advertisement for the Terrorists; but continuing to speak out against it has achieved some progress. Apparently, they are no longer showing the actual beheadings. It's a hint of what you can do.The Terrorists know they need the propaganda. You have only begun to fight. Al Jazeera has been at this for a long time. Since you know they do listen a little, figure out more ways to cut their propaganda.

Continue to talk it up; AJ can be fined, they can be temporaryily thrown out. Possibly both! Truth, without propaganda, or they have to remove themselves from the country--escort them out, if necessary. Each infraction gets a fine and they can't come back until they pay it.

Go[od] job, AYS. Keep it up. Try to get others to put on more pressure.

Iraq Bloggers Central

Jeffrey (at IBC) blogs about Al Jaz:

(..)something must be done to sever the symbiotic link between the terrorists and their propaganda wings like Al-Jazeera.(…)

This applies to all of the media:

People want facts not opinions.

People want TRUTH, not propaganda.



(Pass it on!)


from Andrew Sullivan site

EMAIL OF THE DAY: "I've been thinking about Kerry's real dilemma. What if he wins? Assume for argument's sake that he is as committed to the war on Islamofascism as Bush. What will be the situation he finds himself in?

First, his victory will be accompanied with videos of cheering islamofascist crowds - the Arab and Islamic worlds will (perhaps unfairly) interpret his victory as a defeat for America - after all, in the Arab world regimes tend to change only when the nation is defeated.

Second, our enemies and friends will tend to perceive Kerry as the "weaker" candidate - the one less likely to agressively assert US interests. In high school terms, Bush is the "Crazy Motherf(bleep)r" that nobody messes with - because everyone knows what happened to Omar and Saddam. Kerry is like a Student Council Treasurer - not a bad guy but no reputation for aggression, indeed a reputation for avoiding conflict, a guy you might be able to intimidate.

Paradoxically, this puts Kerry in the position of needing to be more agressive than Bush in the next term - he needs to demonstrate his willingness to assert US interests and take out bad guys so that the benefits of intimidation that Bush achieved don't evaporate. By contrast Bush doesn't need to do nearly as much because everybody knows that he's a "Crazy Motherf(bleep)r".

Of course this assumes that Kerry wants to aggressively fight islamofascism. If he doesn't he faces no dilemma - we just lose."

[Blank lines added for ease of reading. Apologies to Sullivan for bleeps and emphasis--bleeps and emphasis are mine. Sullivan gets all the good emails.]


House Select Committee on Homeland Security June 24, 2004
Testimony of R. James Woolsey

Woolsey Testimony

In this context I would call the Committee?s attention to a recent report of what may well have been an unintentional omission on a form, but which raises the issue of how important it is to make careful judgments about how widely information is disseminated. In a piece in day before yesterday, June 22, by Salon?s Washington Correspondent, Mary Jacoby, it was reported that ?[t]he policy director for the Department of Homeland Security?s intelligence division was briefly removed from his job in March when the Federal Bureau of Investigation discovered that he had failed to disclose his association with Abdurahman Almoudi, a jailed American Muslim leader. Almoudi was indicted last year on terrorism-related money-laundering charges and now claims to have been part of a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia?s Crown Prince Abdullah.? The article adds that the individual who was temporarily removed ?? has access to top secret information on the vulnerability of American seaports, aviation facilities, and nuclear power plants to terrorist attacks.? It further adds that the Bureau had discovered that the individual ?? had failed to list on security clearance documents his work in 2001 with the American Muslim Council?? an ?advocacy group, which was controlled by Almoudi [and] has been under scrutiny in an investigation of terrorism financing?.?

Friday, July 30, 2004


Another passenger came forward—“a frequent business traveler who asked not to be identified.”

Washington Times
July 30, 2004

(…)The second passenger on Flight 327 said the men were "up and down the aisles of the plane the entire time," and that one of the men pushed other passengers as he rushed toward the front lavatory. She said the man did not appear to be ill, and remained in the lavatory during her entire meal. (…)

"There was more activity up and down the aisle through first class than I have ever experienced on any flight, including international flights," the second passenger said. "The most unusual part was that the flight attendants seemed to ignore what was going on."

The second passenger said she did not share her concerns with the flight attendants because "I thought I was just crazy, and I didn't want to be the crazy person on the flight that stands up and says something is wrong, but I will now in the future. I praise Annie for what she did, because I didn't have the guts to."

RABID DOG defenders


AAE (at AM)

More on resisting the stupid defenders of Rabid Dogs:

Re: The Bravery of Iraqi Freedom Fighters
(posted by AAE---Anti-American Empire)

30 Jul 2004--response posted by Max:

First off, who ever is attacking our troops, are attacking the most powerful military force in the history of the world. These guys are filled with guts. They are either very brave or totally fanatical, they certainly are not cowards.

**(“Guts”?) Fanatical STUPIDITY; or, you could also call it a "death wish." The fanatics appear at night; mask their faces; blend in with innocent civilians who get killed for being near them. They hide behind women and children, they hide their faces, they hide their activities, and then they kill the innocents.

They are not "filled with guts"; they are filled with FANATACISM. They are not brave; they send the stupid to commit suicide while killing innocents. They are not friends of Iraq.

They are enemies of Iraq, and they are:

Carbombing innocent Iraqis.
Blowing up pipelines.
Sabotaging water supplies.
Kidnapping innocent people.
Killing Iraqi Leaders.
Killing Iraqi Scientists.
Killing Iraqi Workers.
Killing Iraqi Police.
Blowing up UN Aid Workers.
Killing Red Cross personnel.

Most people can see what is going on; not AAE. The resistors are resisting Iraqis; the resistors are trying to kill the Iraqi economy; kill the Iraqi intellect; kill the help and hope for Iraq--
they are trying to KILL THE FUTURE OF IRAQ!

AAE and Jaafer continue to blindfold (and propel) each other, while tap-dancing near the edge of a cliff.

Two deserving people, if you go over the edge I can hope someone throws you a rope— that’s not attached to anything.



Friday, July 30, 2004

One of the headliners at the Democratic National Convention was Al Sharpton. As has been noted elsewhere, his "mainstreaming" is now complete. He is accepted as a standard-bearer by the Democrats. Jay Nordlinger writes that the delegates cheered him wildly at the convention. (…)

He has a history that is positively unbelievable. If you are familiar with his past you'll know what I'm talking about. If not then you're about to find out a whole lot more about the Democrats.

For a complete history of the Rev Al, read Jay Nordlinger's entire article in National Review. Al's history of hate is too long for me to review here. I do, however, have a few questions that I'd love to ask the good reverend if I ever chance to meet him; (…)


Iraq-dude is an Iraqi American. He received this email:

When some claim President Bush shouldn't have started this war, state thefollowing ... FDR...led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us: Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average of 112,500 per year.

Truman... finished that war and started one in Korea, North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,334 per year.

John F. Kennedy...started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked us. Johnson...turned Vietnam into a quagmire. Vietnam never attacked us. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year.

Clinton...went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent,Bosnia never attackedus.He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions. In the two years since terrorists attacked US! President Bush has ... liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran and North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.


[Blank lines added for ease of reading.]

Thursday, July 29, 2004


July 7--FOX

U.N. Staffer Gets 'Substantial' Payoff

Fight between two women at Dileep Nair party (UN Bldg.) results in complaint against Maria Ljungrenn, Nair's executive officer. Apparently, Ljungrenn was given substantial payoff to leave . . . and left.

What happened and why it happened to Ljungrenn becomes more significant because of the sexual and financial misconduct charges that Nair is facing. Nair runs the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services. Ljungrenn, in her position as Nair's executive officer, would have had direct knowledge of Nair's personnel decisions.

Ljungrenn, in her position as Nair's executive officer, would have had direct knowledge of Nair's personnel decisions.


Mirror (UK)

SADDAM Hussein has suffered a minor stroke and could die before his trial, his defence lawyers claim.(…)

Mr al-Rashdan said: "Our information is that he's in very poor health. We understand from the International Committee of the Red Cross that our client has had a brain scan to discover how badly he has been affected by the stroke. We believe he could die because of his health problems.

"We also think an attempt may be made on his life.(…)


(…)The newspaper quoted Bakhtiar Amin, the human rights minister in the new Iraqi government, who said he had visited Saddam’s cell on Saturday. Amin said he did not speak to the former Iraqi leader.(…)

He reported that Saddam was being treated for high blood pressure and a chronic prostate infection, and was gaining weight after losing 11 pounds during a time when he resisted all fatty foods.

COMMENT: Saddam is “lawyered up” now. Amazing antics to follow. An attempt on his life? That’s pointing out the obvious!

BLIXIN again #480

Blixful Amnesia

By Charles KrauthammerFriday, July 9, 2004; Page A19

Thank God for Hans Blix. Whenever we become lax and forgetful about how the world changed on Sept. 11, former chief inspector Blix is there to make the case for mindless complacency. In a recent speech in Vienna he warned that one should be wary of the claim that "the risk that reckless groups and governments might acquire weapons of mass destruction is the greatest problem facing our world today." Why? Because "to hundreds of millions of people around the world, the big existential issue is hunger, and also that wherever you live on this planet, the risk of global warming and other environmental threats are existential." (…)

What is so dismaying is that such an obvious truth needs repeating. The passage of time, the propaganda of the anti-American left and the setbacks in Iraq have changed nothing of that truth. This is the first time in history that the knowledge of how to make society-destroying weapons has been democratized. Today small radical groups allied with small radical states can do the kind of damage to the world that in the past only a great, strategically located and industrialized power such as Germany or Japan could do.

It is a new world and exceedingly dangerous. Everything is at stake. We are now deeply engaged in a breast-beating exercise for not having connected the dots before Sept. 11. And yet here we are three years after Sept. 11, with the dots already connected, and we are under a powerful urge to ignore them completely.

COMMENT:  Blix frequently catapults himself into the spotlight.  After painting a bulls-eye on his face, he thrusts himself into the limelight shouting “punch me.” 

Krauthammer couldn’t resist.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004



In a series of incinerating blasts, Mohammed's anger fired up, directed, and delivered. Mohammed (at Iraq the Model) is torching the "weenies." It's not pretty; but it's JUSTIFIED.

(…)What’s even worse and disgusting is that these governments smugly come and ask the admirably determined nation Australia to apologize while it’s them who must apologize to the whole world for their awful mistakes that encouraged terrorists and reassured them that their criminal tactics can work.

These countries have found excuses for terror and gave the terrorists the motives to carry on with their plans as long as these plans can make "sovereign countries" yield in front of a true criminal action.

[There is much more. Click on above link.]


Pretend You're In Iraq
(via Farouz from Mrs. Neuman's email)

"Many soldiers and their family members read this blog. Since it's the weekend, I thought humor will be good -- Thank you Mrs. Neuman for the e-mail.

Want to pretend that your are deployed to Iraq? Here is a list of things you can do right in your own home:

1.  Sleep on a cot in the garage.

2.  Replace the garage door with a curtain.

3.  Six hours after you go to sleep, have your wife or girlfriend whip open the curtain, shine a flashlight in your eyes and mumble, "Sorry, wrong cot."

4.  Renovate your bathroom. Hang a green plastic sheet down from the middle of your bathtub and move the showerhead down to chest level. Keep four inches of soapy cold water on the floor.

5.  Stop cleaning the toilet and pee everywhere but in the toilet itself. For a more realistic deployed bathroom experience, stop using your bathroom and use a neighbor's. Choose a neighbor who lives at least a quarter mile away.

There are 36 to read.
Thanks to Farouz and Mrs. Neuman!


It is “no surprise” that Teresa Heinz Kerry has an opinion; or that she can be a spit-fire.  She knows it and says it.  This can be a challenge for the Democrats.

Last night, THK said,”(…)There is a value in taking a stand . . .even if it is a risky thing to do.”

THK just supported BUSH.  That was not her intent, but she did it.

Bush took a stand and persisted in that stand because he thought it was the right thing to do.  He persisted in the diplomatic route until it was recognized that it had gone as far as it could.  Bush led.  He put his Presidency on the line because this was important.  It was a risky thing to do. 

The country may not thank George; but, I see the value.


Cheney may say the “F”-word.  THK may say “SHOVE IT.”  Both are human and subject to the frustrations of politics and press.  But, for whatever reasons, THK supported Bush’s position, nicely. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


EGYPTIAN DIPLOMAT: released unharmed Monday 3pm (EST)

HEINZ KERRY:  to make speech tonight at (D) Convention

S.HUSSEIN:  gardening and writing poetry

Links of interest:

chrenkoff   see Good News series 

Egypt Air: a humorous jab at the airline 

Monday, July 26, 2004



“. . .and sometimes, Un-American traits . . .”

I didn’t misplace my sense of humor; sometimes I have to step on it with both feet.  When the humor flies out, anyway, you could end up with both feet in your mouth.  So, I try to tramp down firmly.  It doesn’t work well.

Did you see THK?  Heinz Kerry let’er rip in a recent speech.  She said, “un-American.”  A reporter pestered her about it and she said, “She didn’t say ‘un-American’” . . .but she did.  Un-American is not PC; saying it, being it, accusing of it, sends scorching flames that singe the unexpected.

The second time the pesty reporter tackled her, THK (let’er rip again, and) told him to “SHOVE IT.” 

Oh, ya gotta laugh!



If Saddam hadn’t been such a murderous creep, he might have been as funny as “bagdad bob.”

First, he is concerned about his rights—when he couldn’t see that others wanted rights, too.  He couldn't recognize them for others; but, because of his capture he sees rights everywhere for Saddam.

Now, someone is complaining that poor Saddam is in solitary confinement—no tv, etc.  It may not be solitary confinement; it might be quarantine—his mentality seems to have been contagious.  HO HO!

Let’s have a vote on it.  Saddam doesn’t have a right to radio or tv.  Maybe the Iraqis could vote on whether or not he should have the right to be put back in his previous position.

No. . .not as ruler of Iraq!  Vote whether or not to put Saddam back in the HOLE.  (talk about solitary confinement!)  HO HO SADDAM!  You could be such a joke—if you weren't so despicable.


Tom (at Redhunter.blogspot—see right link) quoted 3 Iraqi Blogs, all with good things to discuss about the happenings in Iraq.  Many of the improvements have been ignored by American media, and we can’t picture Al Jazeera mentioning much of anything good.  The Iraqis notice: Salam (Where’s Read) discussed it, Omar (Iraq the Model) and Sam (Hammorabi) blog about it.

In a momentary game of Blog Poker, I’ll see you with Sarmad’s comments (Road of a Nation,) Mohammed’s fine comments (Iraq the Model,) and. . . . . . . .

The Big Pharoah (Egyptian, frequently blogs about Iraq) said:

America is WinningAmerica is winning in Iraq. Despite the continuous violence and the kidnappings we witness everyday, I now believe that the US and its Iraqi allies are on the right track. The US can easily see light at the end of the tunnel simply because it seems that Iraqis started to realize that they are not living in a country from Rent A Country.

NOBODY WASHES A RENTED CAR!  (Possibly originally GM's comment, or Thinker's comment (Thinker is one of the fine commentators on the Iraqi Blog scene.)

Read more on this at GM—(right link)

And, I'll raise it one, with . . .

Firos (Iraq&Iraqis)

Well there is nothing wrong, actually every thing is fine here, except I have lost two assistants at the same day (one of them got married and her husband is taking her out of Iraq the other one found her self another job with triple of what she used to get with us), happy things as you can see.(…)

What may back up my criteria is what is going on in the ISX (Iraq Stock eXchange). Things there are more than good, its terrifying good. Nobody expected to close deals in one day with the same value of what he used to close in three months work, and investors are trying to find themselves a broker who isn’t so occupied with deals. (…)

Read more on this at Iraq & Iraqis (above, or right link.)

Firos hasn’t blogged for approximately 3 weeks.  Apparently, he has been too busy with lots of activities.  He sounds gleeful!

Sunday, July 25, 2004



America is winning in Iraq. Despite the continuous violence and the kidnappings we witness everyday, I now believe that the US and its Iraqi allies are on the right track. The US can easily see light at the end of the tunnel simply because it seems that Iraqis started to realize that they are not living in a country from Rent A Country.

Before June 28th, many Iraqis felt that their country was owned by the US who literally took it from its previous owner Saddam Hussein. Today it seems that more and more Iraqis are beginning to feel that there is a political process currently underway which will put the average citizen behind the steering wheel.

One of the most important developments I have heard so far is the increasing number of Iraqis who are willing to break the "fear barrier" and supply the Iraqi Police with valuable information about criminals and terrorists. My fellow blogger Mohammed reported on this in one of his recent posts.

[Comment:  Hope I got those paragraph breaks; all the words jammed together.
  Go to GM at the links on the right for more.]


Philippines feel it is being “unfairly blamed” for the latest actions of the kidnappers/murderers in Iraq.  Australia and Italy are being targeted, now.  Almost immediately after the Philippines CAVED more kidnappings took place.  The Philippines doesn’t see the connection because it doesn’t want to see it.  But…the Australians can add (1 + 2 equals 3.)  They get it!

Apparently, the European outlet for AQ has promised “pools of blood” for Australia.  The Australians responded with the opinion that you cave in to the terrorists and you give them more power.  Rewarding bad behavior increases bad behavior.   If bad behavior does not succeed, it will not be beneficial to conduct bad behavior.

AQ wants to win and will do anything to accomplish it—car bombing, roadside bombs, mortars, kidnappings, beheadings.  It will take the good people of the world to scream at this, to fight this, to recognize that it will continue if it is beneficial. 

STOP SUPPORTING IT; each time you support this it multiplies the bad behavior by 10.  If you can’t do the right thing for the benefit of the rest of us, do it for you. 

SPAIN, PHILIPPINES. . . .AQ controls you; they know where to press the buttons.  They are among you.  Soon, it’s likely they will OWN YOU.