Saturday, May 29, 2004

Title Field Enabled

I just discovered the title field and am testing it to see how it turns out. The objective is to title all the posts for easy access to a topic, rather than by date.

Note: It lists the most recent, and has a limit. I increased the number of posts per page, which makes the right column longer; but, that didn't seem to help. The number of titles doesn't increase. I removed one and added one, but no change. Probably have to republish full site to get the change.



Yahoo News Search

Raed and Niki

Friday, May 28, 2004



(Jan wrote:)
2. How does Max account for the fact that Indonesian 210 million people became Islamic without any military conquest?

**There are many reasons why humans are of one religion or another: personal beliefs, environment, social pressures, and steady work to bring a particular belief to a group of people.

Max do you really beleive either that Islamics beleive what you say they believe in???
Or that OBL is advocating that all non Muslims should be put to the sword???

**Other people believe what they want to believe. OBL advocated killing Americans; not all Americans are non-Muslims; therefore, OBL doesn’t seem to care about either, just about killing Americans. His mission seems to be telling the world to do as he says. Therefore, I would say, he prefers to kill or convert (to follow his orders). . .and to conquer.

If you believe that, then either YOU and YOUR ilk are SIMPLETONS, or you are viscious slanderers of a whole religion and so are much NASTIER than I ever thought you were.

**By choosing the words you have chosen, are you attempting to have your own religious war, Jan? Are you suggesting that those who oppose YOU are doing so because of religion? NO, Jan. It’s because of the lies, distortions, trickery, omissions, and propaganda that I oppose you. Your Muslim faith would not change anything one way or another.

**I am an opponent of OBL, oh YES. Your opponent, yes I am.

Max blames it all on Saddam when he put down a rebellion by shiites yet Max also really hates the Shiites because they are dangerous like OBL is. So then Max must agree with his government allowing Saddam to put down the post 1991 rebellion as it was an evil Shiite threat. So that trial of Saddam should bring in Max as his advocate. Afterall Saddam was more secular.

**You are wrong so often it isn’t surprising, anymore. I felt GREAT SYMPATHY for the Shiites in 1991, and great disgust with Saddam’s regime and with Bush (41). Therefore, I didn’t vote for a Bush then, either. Although I felt that we did what we could, it wasn’t enough. Saddam executed many of the Shiites after capture—hands tied behind backs, victims shot in the head, and tossed into mass graves.

**In your usual style, you are stating hatred against Shiites and promoting that they are dangerous like OBL is and that it was an evil Shiite threat. with a conclusion that it should bring in Max as his advocate because Saddam was more secular. Apparently, you were having an argument with yourself and attributed things to me that I never said and didn’t think, and don’t believe. Then you drew a conclusion from your own DUMB FACTS; so you could write: either YOU and YOUR ilk are SIMPLETONS, or you are viscious slanderers of a whole religion and so are much NASTIER. . .

I really wonder why they let the asylum inmates have computers?



(From Friday's entry:)

Now, it seems Muqtada is at the last option. He wants to be a martyr.

He does have one last option--the glorious state of DISAPPEARANCE. If he fades from the scene, leaves the country, he could live quietly. A difficult option for him, Muck would have to keep his head down for the rest of his life. And, no one would believe he would do that, so he might be chased.

Muqtada's BIG DREAM is a figment of his imagination.

One of the reasons for the blog is to list various speculations, to find out which happen and which don't happen. Well, no one seems to know the whereabouts of Muqtada al-Sadr.

An agreement was negotiated for Sadr to disband his militia. The CPA is waiting to see just what Sadr will do. Is he GONE, GONE, GONE? Or, is he waiting for a better day?

Thursday, May 27, 2004


Haven't been able to find the smashed Chalabi picture. Still looking with no luck, yet.


Monday, May 17, 2004

After the west coast tour I’d like to go to Arizona
then across to Louisiana and perhaps Florida if
there’s time, those being swing states. If anyone’s
able to organise talks there, please get in touch. If
you’re able to raise some travel expenses I can also
bring David to show his film footage from Iraq and

I believe this is the leftist "fly in the ointment" influencing too much. Floating around Iraq, this person may have done some good, or harm.

If it's accurate that she is touring the US, how and with whose money? I'd like to take up a collection to send her to North Korea. If you belong to GB, just stay in GB. We don't need any more vipers slithing around our country. Use your free speech in Africa, or try China. If all else fails, walk to North Korea.

As usual, some of these people have no solutions, they are just young and rebellious. She may have made it possible for Iraqis to struggle harder than they had to. Especially, the connection with the Jarrars. She may have influenced them to their present position of listening to no one and nothing....but the LEFT which would have cheerfully "left" the Iraqis in fear, poverty, and contained the Saddam's box (when Saddam wasn't even contained.)

Any help she has given has been reversed by what she has done. She "helped" Iraqis? Now, she's coming to "help" US?

NO, Thank you; go help someone else!

DU INFO by Tammy

JUAR 5/24/04 Comments Section

Depleted Uranium is what is left after radioactive isotopes are extracted from natural uranium found in soils. Those radioactive isotopes may be used to enrich natural uranium for energy use. The resulting depleted uranium is 60% as radioactive as you may find in the soil in your backyard. The Royal Society did a full study of health effects of depleted uranium on the battlefield here is the link:

Royal Society DU

”Royal Society Summary:

The Part I report draws the following conclusions:

Except in extreme circumstances any extra risks of developing fatal cancers as a result of radiation from internal exposure to DU arising from battlefield conditions are likely to be so small that they would not be detectable above the general risk of dying from cancer over a normal lifetime.

The greatest exposures will apply only to a very small fraction of the soldiers in a theatre of war, for example those who survive in a vehicle struck by a DU penetrator. In such circumstances, and assuming the most unfavourable conditions, the lifetime risk of death from lung cancer is unlikely to exceed twice that in the general population. . .

“Depleted uranium is used in munition shells and for tank protection from penetration by enemy fire. It's used because it's density and hardness are greater than lead.”

“That's why depleted uranium is used instead of lead. Lead can be alloyed with other metals to create a dense AND hard surface, but that usually sacrifices some of it's density properties, and definitely it's melting point properties. But depleted uranium is used instead of lead in MANY applications where lead or lead alloy used to be used. One of the primary substitutions for lead now, is in the PROTECTION of individuals from exposure to radiation. Due to the density of uranium, it's radiation protection properties are superior to that of lead.”

“Here are some more links with reliable third-party scientific data on the health effects of DU.”

"The risk from external exposure is essentially zero, even when pure metal is handled. No detectable increases of cancer, leukaemia, birth defects or other negative health effects have ever been observed from radiation exposure to inhaled or ingested natural uranium concentrates, at levels far exceeding those likely in areas where DU munitions have been used. This is mainly because the low radioactivity per unit mass of uranium means that the mass needed for significant internal exposure would be virtually impossible to accumulate in the body – and DU is less than half as radioactive as natural uranium."

“The conclusions of three authoritative overseas studies can be summarised as follows:”

RAND Corporation – There is no evidence of radiological health effects, or of increased kidney disease in troops with embedded fragments.

US Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry – No radiological health hazard is expected from inhalation, dermal or oral exposure to depleted or natural uranium.

National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine – Studies of effects "are suggestive of no association" with DU.

“Another link to the Health Physics Society:”

Public Information

”Health physicists are deeply concerned with the public health and welfare and, as experts in radiation and its effects on people and the environment, are quite aware that something other than exposure to uranium is the cause of the illnesses suffered by those who have had contact with depleted uranium from munitions. If we are to offer any measure of relief or solace to suffering people, and to gain some important additional knowledge in the process, we should not squander our valuable and limited energies, resources and time, traveling down a road that has already been well traveled and which has already shown us that uranium, either by itself or in combination with other materials, is almost certainly not the culprit.”

“Just one more from the Australian Radiation Protection Agency:”

”Some military personnel involved in the 1991 Gulf War have complained of continuing stress-like symptoms for which no obvious cause has been found. These symptoms have at times been attributed to the use of depleted uranium in shells and other missiles, which are said to have caused toxic effects. Similar complaints have arisen from the more recent fighting in the Balkans, particularly the Kosovo conflict about a year ago.”

“Depleted uranium (DU) is natural uranium which is depleted in the rarer U-235 isotope (see below). It is a heavy metal and, in common with other heavy metals, it is chemically toxic. It is also slightly radioactive and there is therefore said to be a hypothetical possibility that it could give rise to a radiological hazard under some circumstances, e.g. if dispersed in finely divided form so that it is inhaled.”

“However, because of the latency period for the induction of cancer by radiation, it is not credible that any cases of radiation-induced cancer could yet be attributed to the Kosovo conflict. Furthermore, extensive studies have concluded that no radiological health hazard should be expected from exposure to depleted uranium.”

“You can see effects alright, but until you test for the causes, you have NO idea what the source for them may be. That takes detailed scientific research which has already been done and some of which I posted here. You have to run studies with exposures to DU on significant groups of animals, and again have a control group which are not exposed to DU”

“Then you limit exposure to all other possible toxicities. At the end of the study, you can make the link or not depending on your results. You don't just look at pathological health effects and DECIDE what YOU THINK causes it! Which is what you're trying to get us on this blog to buy off on. Surely you can't believe any of us are stupid enough to accept what you're saying as evidence?”

An additional comment:

“On the use of depleted uranium:
It's used because there is nothing else that is as good as DU for making tough armor on vehicles, and for making armor-piercing penetrator rounds to destroy enemy tanks and armored vehicles. It's NOT very radioactive... however, if you wind up breathing dust left over from a vehicle that got hit by a DU penetrator, it is very poisonous.

During the 1991 Gulf War, we blew up several Iraqi Army chemical weapons depots (several destroyed by airstrikes, one or more blown up by Combat Engineers who thought they were destroying conventional munitions). From the sources I've seen-- there was widespread very low-level exposure to nerve agents (Sarin *and* other types) and possibly to other agents as well (we know the Iraqi Army had a lot of blister agents, which are carcinogenic among other things)...

I'm not an expert but I can read, and every reliable medical source I've looked at (other than some DoD ones with a vested interested in shafting veterans) has commented that everything about Gulf War Syndrome is compatible with the expected effects of low-level exposure to chemical warfare agents.

[Note: There is (also) a link on DU, at right side this site.]



IMHO: (In My Humble Opinion)
1. You will have full control of everything (except security—U.S. control in that, probably turned over gradually and probably including Iraqi veto power) with appropriate transparency and accountability to prevent fraud. In security, as your trained forces increase in numbers and capability, Iraqi control will be increased in that area; and, as this happens, the number of U.S. troops will decrease.

2. If the UNSC has passed the Resolution with the “veto”, Iraq would be able to veto an unapproved military operation. There will be no coalition; this will be disbanded effective at the time of the transfer. There will be an Embassy and Advisors.

3. We haven’t heard the steps, yet.

4. I understand the Abu Ghraib removal as an offer to demolish it. (Personal opinion) It would be up to you if you wanted to take advantage of the offer, or not.

5. If other countries refuse to send troops, the reaction will be the usual, continue on--one foot in front of the other.

Sunday, May 23, 2004



Did you happen to notice Chalabi's picture (smashed and shot) in the news clips of the raid on his compound/residence?

I thought I saw the framed photograph with the glass broken at the impact point and radiating out from it. IIRC, The impact point was a third of the way up from the bottom. Then there was a hole in the photograph. I don't recall seeing a corresponding hole in the glass. The hole could have been a bullet hole.

The last clip I saw of it, the photograph was turned over and particles of glass were on the reverse side of the photo. It looked to be the same type of frame and the same size as the one in the other news clip. I began looking for the original clip because I remembered something and wanted to check it.

I wish someone could point me to the original. It seemed there was no hole in the glass; it seemed the impact of the hole on the photo was back to front. As usual, lots of questions. Hope I can find some answers.



"Win one for the Gipper." No, this is WIN ONE FOR FREEDOM!

When you say "FASCINATING", it's exactly what I believe this is. We watch democracy in action; but, this is freedom...defended (and it's FASCINATING!)

Death threats against one person, and one site. . .NOW WE HAVE:

TWO SITES and if they do it again, we may have 4 sites. I hope to participate in both sites.

The Jarrars (and Riverbend) hang up the phone before we can speak, and someone threatens to kill the talkers.





It looks like we have something in common. Khalid drinks Coke and asks if we have Coke, or did Pepsi get the whole contract?

Coke has a good share. I drink it, not Pepsi—because I can tell the difference. Khalid comments that he thinks Pepsi tastes like old socks—I think it tastes moldy.

One time, years ago, I complained that the Coke tasted OLD. You should have heard the laughter and the comments. How could an “old guy” tell the difference? Eat fast, drink fast. . .and nothing tastes. Well. . . .HA!

We’ve always had contests: smart-mouth of the month, who has the best comment, who could refute the great argument with facts. . .and, who was full of it. Of course, they thought I was full of it. We had to have another contest.

Blindfolded, I had to choose which was which (between new Coke, old Classic Coke, fresh Classic Coke, 7-up, water.) It wasn’t difficult; I sipped some of the rest and drank all the fresh Coke to get the taste out of my mouth. If there is a Coke-gene. . .I’ve got it; and, I passed it on.




The net was designed for speedy two-way communication. At first, I was sending little black emails with white print. No color, no pictures, just words. . .but, two-way words (words came back) as responses to information or thoughts and opinions.

The opinions of the Jarrars and Riverbend are similar to a two-way radio intended for conversation. The other side doesn't let up on the key; they just talk all the time. When they are finished, they click off.

Did you ever have a relative like this?

I did. The relative talked non-stop from the moment the phone was picked up. That's how we got the saying, "I couldn't get a word in edge-wise."

Now, we have some fast journalism, speedy opinions, lots of conversation. The beauty of the net is two-way, speedy, ideas and thoughts. . .communication. The Jarrars use it like my relative, and then they hang up.