Saturday, November 06, 2004



Sam (at Hammorabi) discusses Fallujah. (Interesting info)

And, while he's at it, he turns his "flamethrower" toward our French "friends." In particular, he scorches JACK.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Thank You!

To OUR TROOPS, who are working so hard for US.

To the American People, who have stood FIRM and STRONG.


To the POWs, who joined Veterans FOR TRUTH,

To the Vietnam Veterans—WELCOME HOME!!!!!

To the Administration, who have been STEADFAST.

We send to you, a DEEP, THANK YOU . . . again.

Escaping Bush

We are hearing that people are threatening to escape Bush by fleeing, in doves, to Canada.

Um . . . excuse me! Could you take Michael Moore with you?


The Mortician is dissecting the body. Democrats are spinning the issues and trying to tell us that we really were compatible with the Democrats . . . we just happened to choose Bush because . . .mumble, mumble, mumble. (please-- fill in the “mumble.”) Democrats, you probably haven’t figured it out, nor will you.

Why Americans voted for Bush may be examined for a long time. I believe part of it has to do with the Democrats becoming the party of hatred for months after the 2000 election. (They certainly caught my attention.)

The Democrats took a short breath after 9/11, but saw their opportunity with Iraq. Bush warned when he gave the “Axis of Evil Speech.” Iraq was on the list. Many “mouthed” words of support, and then turned. Then, the many bad-mouth the war, American, anything and everything we were doing. The agenda was formed. The Democrats joined with the far left, and the anti-war, and the radical liberals. And then, they began to chant Anti-American words—to the point where Saddam Hussein was saying the same. They took the position of France. They took the position of the U.N. They took almost every position to heart . . . except the real position which America believes.

The religious right didn’t believe the Democrats. The traditional married people didn’t believe the Democrats. The Patriotic Americans, who believe in supporting their government and their troops, didn’t believe the Democrats. The taxpayers didn’t believe Kerry could manage without increasing taxes. The “old folks” didn’t believe the “Social Security Surprise.” And when the Democrats introduced the draft bill into Congress, it was difficult for the American People to believe that it wasn’t a Democrat-inspired subterfuge; but, the Democrats were calling for more troops and many may have believed the Democrats were on the way to DRAFT.

Geraldine Ferraro is explaining that the Republicans have convinced the people that the Democrats have no values.

I voted for US and for IRAQ, and for continuing the fight of the War on Terror. We, ALL, joined to vote against the Democrats. Each for our own reasons; but, one of the biggest reasons might be that the Democrat Party did not represent the wishes of the large number of somewhat traditional people in FLYOVER COUNTRY.

It’s called the “Great Silent Majority.” It’s called “Flyover Country—the part of America between the Liberal on the East Coast, and those on the left coast, and those surrounding the lake shores. The planes of elite fly over US, and try to ignore US.

The quiet voters came marching out--the actions were "louder than the words.”


Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Arafat Confusion


At a press conference, going on right now, one reporter stated that the word is that Yassir Arafat is gone, has passed away.

CNN: “French Hospital spokesman denies Arafat is dead.”

Whether or not it is fact, it would appear that parts of the Middle East will be undergoing another change.

Aftermath Coverage

Antimedia has several sections of post election coverage.

Also, there is coverage of the Iraqi comments about the American election.

Captain’s Quarters has the Hannity map. Hannity was waving that map during the broadcast. Now you can have a closer view.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004



“Willie Aufmkolk - An Angel That You Should Know”

We Will Never Forget Our American Friends

As I met Patti in 2003 I was looking in the internet for information about the Iraq war, because a good friend from me from Forth Biehler, Wiesbaden, Germany went in May 2003 to Iraq to help the Iraqi people to rebuild their country. For me and my husband Rudi were this it a great opportunity to do something for my American friends, to give something back to our friends who have given us so much over the last 59 years.

Blackfive gives us a diversion from the election aftermath. (Much appreciated!)

Pundits Noticed Problems

Exit Polls Wrong

Susan Jones,
Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2004

As Wednesday dawned with a Bush victory waiting in the wings, many pundits and press outlets were starting to question how Tuesday's exit polls could have been so wrong.

Those polls showed Kerry leading into Tuesday evening, only to be replaced with actual results that showed Kerry trailing.

The "New Toy" (as one pundit put it) was exit polling. The pundits will need a newer toy for the next election; this one didn't work very well for them, or for US. It was a fiasco.

While the pundits have less to do, maybe they will figure out what happened.

Congratulations Sent

by Hammorobi

In our last article and most simple questioner about the US election about 75% of the commentators in this site voted for GWB. Ultimately he won though not by 75% but we may say by majority (including Ohio) especially compared to 2000 election!

JK conceded after he was completely certain that no more hope otherwise he may have been walked the extra mile.

Now; the terrorists are unable to celebrate!

We still have a tough fight ahead. There are some happy Americans, and some happy Iraqis. There are some very unhappy terrorists. Good.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Electoral Vote


Station........... BUSH...... Kerry

MSNBC ................269...........238

CNN ...................254...........252

FOX ...................269...........242

Popular Vote: BUSH ahead by approx. 3.5M

OBJECTIVE: 270 = predicted winner


An Election Prediction

Antimedia (at Media Lies) has a detailed prediction of the election.

More Election Posts

Hugh Hewitt has some good election posts--too good and too numerous. Read for yourself.


Blackfive describes being disenfranchised on his trip to the polls, then to complain, then back to the polls.

Good Job!! Blackfive!

Voting Irregularities has a list of Voting Irregularities posted at their site.

Philly Machines

Drudge has more on the Philadelphia Voting Machines.

DONE, and waiting

I voted early today.

There were about 20 in front of us; about the same behind us. The line moved quickly and we were back out in about 10 minutes. It seemed to go very smoothly. The turn-out was very good. The number of voters was much higher (for that time of day) then in any election I remember.

There were the usual poll watchers. They were quiet, respectful. The workers looked over worked and still had hours before the counting begins. It’s a long day for them.

No one approached us on the way in, or on the way out---no exit polling.

In Philadelphia, there was an early problem. Several voting machines were questioned. Apparently, there were numbers registered on the machine prior to any voting. According to the news, there are two areas with numbers: one area with an odometer-like counter, which records the number of votes over the life of the machine; and, a lighted counter, which records the number of votes for this machine for this election. The lighted-counter on one machine indicated a few hundred votes. This was reported by a “technician” who stands by the observation.

Tire slashing was reported in Milwaukee. Texas has a snow storm.

And, we are all waiting. The first polls close at 7:00 EST.



Monday, November 01, 2004


Glenn Reynolds
To go back to a point that Virginia Postrel makes in the post linked below, perhaps I'm less unhappy with things in Iraq than, say, Andrew because I expected much worse. I thought we'd experience far more casualties in the invasion phase (which lasted three weeks) than we've experienced in the entire year and a half since the war began. My biggest disappointment is that the Administration hasn't taken more direct action against Syria and Iran, which are supporting the insurgency in the hope that it will cause us to elect Kerry and withdraw before doing anything about them. But I don't know what they know, and second-guessing them on this is perilous.

There were disaster predictions flying everywhere during the Afghan phase. Remember . . . our troops wouldn’t be able to survive an Afghan winter. No one has ever been able to conquer Afghanistan; the terrain is impenetrable. (Well, we weren’t trying to conquer the Afghan people—just the Talaban and Al Qaeda. Many Afghans cooperated.

IIRC, wasn’t there some mention of OIL? Were we in Afghanistan for the OIL? Where is it . . .? And, by the way, where is the OIL from Iraq?

We should be slipping and sliding in the stuff by now. Where is it?

Yes, I agree with Glenn: it looked like a tough job in Iraq, and it is a very TOUGH JOB, and will be a rough job which needs to be accomplished. But, I also expected more support from the Iraqis . . . until I noticed what was happening. When we needed them to stand tall and support this, they could not. It is getting better (in that respect) each day; but, it is dangerous and difficult.

Nevertheless, read the TRUTH ABOUT IRAQ (a few posts down). If the surveys are accurate, the IRAQI PEOPLE WANT DEMOCRACY (approx. 3/4 of Iraqis). and many believe in it "WHATEVER IT TAKES."



In Front of Your Nose
Yes, Saddam did have terrorist connections.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, Oct. 25, 2004, at 12:22 PM PT

In order to believe that Zarqawi is or was innocent of al-Qaida and Baathist ties, therefore, or in order to believe that he does not in fact represent such a tie, you must be ready to believe that:

1) A low-level Iraqi official decided to admit a much-hunted Jordanian—a refugee from the invasion of Afghanistan, after Sept. 11, 2001—when even the most conservative forces in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were keeping their distance from such people and even assisting in rounding them up.

2) That this newly admitted immigrant felt that the most pressing need of the holy war was the assassination of Kurdish leaders opposed to the rule of Saddam Hussein.

3) That a recently arrived Jordanian, in a totally controlled police state, was so enterprising as to swiftly put himself in possession of maps, city diagrams, large sums of cash, and a group of heavily armed fighters hitherto named after the Iraqi dictator—the Fedayeen Saddam.

I can only say that you are quite welcome to believe all of that if you wish. But you must be able to wish quite hard. The same is true of Abdul Rahman Yasin, who was at least an Iraqi passport-holder when he skipped bail from New Jersey in 1993 as one of the most wanted men in the United States and made it through Jordan to Baghdad in a matter of hours. Peter Boyer in The New Yorker of Nov. 1 is the latest to see nothing especially odd in this. (Boyer does concede, as the New York Times did once report, that Saddam may have hoped to use Yasin as a "bargaining chip." Indeed. And to bargain about what? My friend Rolf Ekeus, the eminent Swedish diplomat who originally founded the UNSCOM inspectorate, told me that Tariq Aziz, Saddam's slimy foreign minister, once asked him to act as intermediary. In return for an easing of sanctions, said Aziz, Iraq had a lot of information about the whereabouts of terrorists that it was willing to trade …)

Millions of Iraqis can tell you that during the Saddam despotism their country was as hard to enter as it was to leave. Any reporter with average knowledge or experience can also tell you that decisions of this kind—about which high-value fugitive to admit, for example—were not taken at consular or desk-officer level during the days of the supreme and absolute leader. But of course, this is no smoking gun. Perhaps, indeed, the Baathists and the jihadists simply collaborate without having to be told. Meanwhile, what are all those other bodies doing in the river?

(See the relationship to bodies in the river at the beginning of Hitchins’ article.)

What caused Hitchens to jump from the Liberal Side?


Hugh Hewitt is posting about the American Muslims:

I hope exit polling on the votes of American Muslims surfaces quickly from the networks' combine. If Bush does better than expected, it will tell us a lot about the self-proclaimed leadership of this very diverse community. It is hard to imagine Iraqi-Americans or Afghan-Americans voting against Bush, just as it is hard to see many Palestinian-Americans voting for him. But the actual numbers will be among the most interesting of election night.

In the solitude of the voting booth, how will American Muslims vote? It will be very interesting to see the election returns on this.


We need some humor in the midst of the serious business.

Antimedia has a post on "One Mation Under God."

For my contribution:

Scrolling across the bottom of the TV screen (Fox News):

Among Mustard eaters--52% Bush, 43% Kerry.

(Guess that would be different among Ketchup consumers.)

Are choices in condiments . . . political? Are anti-Kerry people avoiding ketchup?

Questioning Kerry's patriotism


Posted: October 29, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2004

(…)Documents prepared by the Communist North Vietnamese government in 1971, and later captured by U.S. forces, show unmistakably that Kerry was operating under the direction of the enemy. He was being steered by Hanoi. He was being coached by the Viet Cong. And he was taking this direction, this steering and this coaching willingly.

In case you missed it, you can find all the gory details in a report in WorldNetDaily earlier this week. It's fascinating reading. But it is more than that 72 hours before Americans decide who is going to be the next president.

Think of what I am saying: A man who came to prominence and notoriety in American life, and who is now on the threshold of winning the White House, was actively aiding and abetting the enemy just 33 years ago. He was a tool. He was an agent. He was working for the other side.

3-page Document HERE



Hanoi Approved of Role Played By Anti-War Vets
BY THOMAS LIPSCOMB - Special to the Sun
October 26, 2004

(…)The two documents provide a glimpse of the favorable way the Viet Cong viewed the activities in which Mr. Kerry was involved. They are from many documents of a kind that were ordinarily sent to a unit called the Captured Document Exploitation Center at the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, which was headquartered in Saigon. Documents like these that were sent to the center were immediately translated into English and processed for battlefield intelligence for targeting or operations as required, or filed.

The CDEC cover sheet of the "Directive" indicates it was "acquired" on May 12, 1971. The cover sheet itself is dated June 30, 1971, and is entitled "VC Efforts to Back Antiwar Demonstrations in the United States." It shows a detailed knowledge of such VVAW activities as the Dewey Canyon demonstration on the Mall in Washington in April 1971, mentioning the "return of their medals." And the Saigon American military intelligence cover sheet dates the information in that document as being assembled in Vietnam only a week after the Washington VVAW demonstration had taken place.

Still have to find/read the documents. The originals would be at Texas Tech University; but, one site (apparently) has them--probably a pdf.

FBI surveillance and Mr. Kerry's own statements have established his two visits to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegations to the Paris Peace Talks as taking place in June of 1970 and August of 1971.

An FBI surveillance report dated November 11, 1971, has also established that Mr. Kerry and Al Hubbard, the executive director of the VVAW who had brought Mr. Kerry into the organization, planned to return to meet with them again in Paris on November 15, 1971.

A November 24, 1971, FBI surveillance report disclosed that Mr. Hubbard had also had meetings on his own with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegations in Paris. It noted that he had reported at a national meeting of the VVAW in Kansas City that the Communist Party of the United States had paid his expenses for the most recent one.


Washington Times

Guided by hidden hands?

By Linda Chavez

The media are too busy repackaging old Iraq news in an October offensive against President Bush's re-election to investigate truly startling evidence unearthed this week that the Communist Party may have been directing John Kerry's anti-war activities in the early 1970s.

The evidence, contained in captured communist records on file at the Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University, shows a well-coordinated effort by the Communist Party to recruit U.S. servicemen to become part of the American anti-war movement. The objective was to organize high-profile activities to undermine support for the Vietnam War, including holding hearings on alleged war crimes, lobbying Congress to oppose the war, exploiting the families of American POWs and urging servicemen to return their service medals.

It looks like something is cooking . . . and it might be an ELITIST. The previous article mentioned seeing the documents. I need to check this.



The Mississippi Press

While John Kerry is running around claiming President George Bush and our troops overseas failed the American people by not guarding an explosives dump without explosives in it, documents have been uncovered at Texas Tech University that show Kerry was following Vietnam War protest guidelines from North Vietnamese communists in the early 1970s.

"Wait! Why am I not seeing any of this in the national news media, Mr. Gaylon?" you might be asking. "This cannot be true. Our Democrat candidate for president surely wasn't on the side of the communists and carrying out their requests when he got home from valiantly fighting for his country and winning all those medals, was he?"

Yes, he was.

The documents -- which actually LOOK like they came from the 1970s and not from a Microsoft Word program -- were found at the Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University in Lubbock and reproduced from captured communist records. These documents have been PROVEN 100 percent authentic BEFORE their release, unlike those 60 Minutes National Guard documents that CBS refuses to investigate. They show that Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, the Viet Cong provisional governor of South Vietnam at the Paris Peace Talks, delivered a plan from Le Duc Tho -- Ho Chi Minh's second in command -- for American anti-war activities that anti-war protesters followed to the letter.

These documents are available at or and show anti-war protesters not only received approval from the communists in North Vietnam, but also their direction. One of the documents states, "The spontaneous antiwar movements in the U.S. have received assistance and guidance from the friendly (i.e. communist Vietnamese) delegations at the Paris Peace Talks."

The article is dated Oct. 29. Why hasn't the media mentioned this? Guess we know the answer to that one.


Sunday, October 31, 2004


NY Post


(…)Maybe he's feeling the weariness suggested in the videotaped statement last month by his No. 2 man, Ayman al-Zawahiri: "Oh young men of Islam," he said, "if we are killed or captured, you should carry on the fight."

Maybe they're buckling.

[This is to correct my previous Zawahiri quote.] Regardless, the idea that they might be “buckling” is a likeable one.



The Mudville Gazette has a startling photo! It’s called “The Empty Throne.”

In addition to praising 9/11 in a murel of the planes flying into the Twin Towers during the deadly assault (in permanent Art Form--referenced in an earlier blog, here) there is another one. Saddam displays his intent OPENLY with the depiction behind the throne.

Words don’t adequately describe the feelings when you view it. See for yourself.

How could you doubt the motive (the M.O.) behind the throne.

Hat tips along the way:
Antimedia who directed to—
Instpundit who directed to the Mudville Gazette.


Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Portsmouth Herald--
U.S. Bombs bin Laden's Tora Bora Mountain Base
By CHRIS TOMLINSON, Associated Press

TORA BORA, Afghanistan — A cease-fire collapsed Wednesday as U.S. airstrikes repeatedly pounded Osama bin Laden's Tora Bora mountain bases after cornered al-Qaida forces reportedly set new terms for their surrender and missed a deadline to disarm.

(…)The whereabouts of bin Laden remained unclear. Some U.S. officials and tribal leaders suspect he might be in or near Tora Bora, in eastern Afghanistan. Others believe he is hiding in the country's south.

(…)The eastern alliance overran al-Qaida's positions on Tuesday and gave their mainly Arab opponents until 8 a.m. Wednesday (10:30 p.m. EST Tuesday) to abandon the Tora Bora area or face a massive attack.

A cease-fire was declared after some al-Qaida fighters used a two-way radio to beg for mercy after they were pinned down in the canyon.

(…)Tuesday's advance on Tora Bora occurred three months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, which the United States blames on bin Laden. President Bush launched airstrikes on Afghanistan on Oct. 7 after the former ruling Taliban refused to hand over bin Laden.

It would be difficult to say that Bin Laden was there; no one could prove it at the time, or later. There was a cease-fire, during which the Al Qaeda was to surrender. They did not.

If it can’t be proven that Bin Laden was there, it’s difficult to make the case that we let Bin Laden go.



If you feel justified registering dead people to vote:

If you feel smug, when you register 10 times:

If you encourage illegal voting:

If you are happy to defeat a candidate by using fraud:

You may feel you are hurting the opponent: but . . .


[This applies to ALL PARTIES.]

What Will We Leave to THEM?


Campaign 2004: High Stakes
Quite simply, Kerry must be stopped; and Bush must win
By Paul Johnson

All the elements of anarchy and unrest in the Middle East and Muslim Asia and Africa are clamoring and praying for a Kerry victory. The mullahs and the imams, the gunmen and their arms suppliers and paymasters, all those who stand to profit—politically, financially, and emotionally—from the total breakdown of order, the eclipse of democracy, and the defeat of the rule of law, want to see Bush replaced. His defeat on November 2 will be greeted, in Arab capitals, by shouts of triumph from fundamentalist mobs of exactly the kind that greeted the news that the Twin Towers had collapsed and their occupants been exterminated.

(…)I cannot recall any election when the enemies of America all over the world have been so unanimous in hoping for the victory of one candidate. That is the overwhelming reason that John Kerry must be defeated, heavily and comprehensively.

Hat tip: Little Green Footballs

We don’t just mouth the words and “walk the walk,” we believe in FREEDOM. We are willing to travel the last mile to hold out the hopes of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We value JUSTICE—-not only for ourselves, but for our fellow individuals around the world.

This is a defining election. This is the “Alert,” the “Warning.” You have a choice to fight for Freedom—-not only your own Freedom, but the Freedom of others. Someone fought for your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.

Are you content to watch it disintegrate?

Are you so angry about the 2000 election that you would vote to weaken US, while strengthening the enemy?

Have we worked so hard to watch it all slide backwards?

This election, more than any other election in my time, will impact our future and the future of our great grandchildren.

What will we leave to them?

Captain Ed says:

Captain’s Quarters Blog, Captain Ed

Kerry has been one of the most incompetent major-party candidates in decades, perhaps ever. People point to George McGovern, Walter Mondale, and Kerry's former boss Michael Dukakis as similar or potentially worse candidates, but all three of those men stood for their beliefs and values. Kerry stands for himself and nothing else. The only thing keeping Kerry afloat is the high tide of Bush hatred among the Left and an increasingly desperate mainstream media that will do almost anything, including sacrificing their credibility, to keep Bush from being re-elected. Hopefully, that will not be enough.

The Democrats turned an election loss from anger to hatred; they fueled it regularly for four years, turning it into rage. It has grown until it is out of control. And then, they nominated Kerry--a hedonistic politico.

Mirror, Mirror . . .

Kerry Spot

The far left hates George W. Bush with a raging fury. So does al-Qaeda. Was it really so shocking that the rhetoric of the former would eventually be taken up by the latter?

No, this tape should cause many on the left to stare into the mirror for a long time and ask, “What have I turned into? How did I become so reflexively partisan, so blinded by rage, so intemperate in my rhetoric that my own arguments are being echoed by a man who planned and enjoyed the mass murder of Americans?”

“How the hell did I reach the point where I agree with Osama bin Laden on Bush?”

UPDATE: I'm not going to go looking for too many "Well, now I agree with Osama" comments from lefties. But I had these comments by Daily Kos readers forwarded to me: "He couldn't believe that Shrub stayed in a classroom reading a book about a goat to kids while his country was being attacked. SMACKDOWN from OBL." Another one: "well I guess I have to agree with the man. Although it pains me. on a side note. Is Amazon shipping F911 to Afgan addresses?"

(It was probably a pirated copy.)