Saturday, September 25, 2004


DRUDGE is watching the Hurricane and has a huge graphic of JEANNE. It’s a large storm; and, the fourth time Florida has been hit by hurricanes this season. (As all of us are well aware, I’m sure.)

Incredible: that 2 of the Hurricanes crossed paths, and now we have Jeanne coming on shore at almost the same point where Francis came ashore. Sewall’s Point seems to be about mid-point for the eye--extending up to almost to Fort Pierce and down to approximately West Palm. The rain is dense and almost horizontal.

Fewer people evacuated for Jeanne. It’s going to be a long night for Florida—and, for all the friends and relatives of those in Florida.

Friday, September 24, 2004


CBS source denies plotting with Kerry

By Jack Douglas Jr.Star-Telegram Staff Writer

(…)Burkett, a West Texas rancher and known critic of Bush, denied that his work with CBS was done at the behest of Democrat John Kerry's presidential campaign.

He said, however, that during the meeting in which he gave the documents to CBS, he was also told by a producer that his phone number would be passed on to Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart

(…)During a single phone conversation with Lockhart, Burkett said he suggested a "couple of concepts on what I thought [Kerry] had to do" to beat Bush. In return, he said, Lockhart tried to "convince me as to why I should give them the documents."

If Burkett were speaking the truth, why would Lockhart want copies (of the documents) when he could wait for CBS to promote them? Why risk any contact with Burkett?

One reason may be that there is no fear of the FEC.

Thursday, September 23, 2004



The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth show the role of the individual in history. It wasn't Republican strategists who finished Kerry off two months before the election; it was the American people. The Swift Boat veterans came along and kicked Kerry in the shins and no matter how much heat they took, they were brave and wouldn't give up. The veterans who served with Kerry told the truth and the American people listened (as soon as they managed to locate a copy of "Unfit for Command” hidden on one of the back shelves at their local bookstores).

The Swiftees are an example of good, steadfast people who are willing to fight for what they believe . . . . .again. They believe Kerry SMEARED the military men and women, and made a severely difficult situation much more difficult for POWs; they believe Kerry was instrumental in achieving defeat for US when we were getting closer and closer to achieving success in Vietnam; and the Swiftees appear to be disgusted that Kerry would attempt to run for President of the United States—let alone, that he would run on his record as a “hero.”

It’s not very smart to anger the Swift Vets. Kerry didn’t realize that because he had only been in action with the Swiftees for 4 months.

And the article continues:

CBS was forced to run a fake story so early in the campaign that it was exposed as a fraud – only because of the Swift Boat vets. These brave men, many of them decorated war heroes, have now not only won the election for Bush, they have ended Dan Rather's career.

Today’s words are: never underestimate. The election isn’t won; Rather is still working. However, it is interesting to speculate about what effect the Swift Boat Vets will have in their challenges to the Kerry Records. The Swiftees have thrown Kerry off stride. Kerry can’t be sure what is coming next.

It's often said that we never lost a battle in Vietnam, but that the war was lost at home by a seditious media demoralizing the American people. Ironically, the leader of that effort was Rather's predecessor at CBS News, Walter Cronkite, president of the Ho Chi Minh Admiration Society.

It was Cronkite who went on air and lied about the Tet offensive, claiming it was a defeat for the Americans. He told the American people the war was over and we had lost. Ronald Reagan said CBS News officials should have been tried for treason for those broadcasts.
CBS has already lost one war for America. The Swift Boat Vets weren't going to let CBS lose another one.

CBS and Kerry . . . what a pair! New Media Fact: CBS? Oh yeah, they’re the ones . . . fake papers . . . false accusations . . . forgeries, but the story’s true! Continuously Biased Suckers.


Allawi mentioned "the sound of defeatism, only encourages more violence."

And, in the blink of an eye, there was Kerry. Doleful, doom-viewing, nay-saying Kerry speaking of his thoughts on the past, and a future of he knows better--he would have done everything differently.

Yes, Kerry, and the terrorists would have done everything differently in response to whatever you did.

In order to believe Kerry’s plan would have worked, would work, you have to believe that the terrorists would have done all of the very same things, in the very same way. I believe that is called, “UNDERESTIMATING THE ENEMY.” Not a wise thing to do, especially with this enemy.

Kerry seems to be the voice of defeatism. Oh, he says he wants success; but, he's spent much time honing the defeatism. Kerry is doomy and gloomy. Kerry encourages defeatism, and encourages quitting. If he had a tail, it would be between his legs--hangdog style.

Once again, Kerry has changed positions and would not have gone to war. Somehow, since Saddam Hussein is no longer in power, it leaves Kerry free to claim we shouldn’t have done it; and Kerry can fall back on his “I voted for it, before I voted against it” and choose today’s opinion against the war. But, with his vast war experience (approx. 4 mo.) he will give us pointers—now that more information has been filled in. There may be no need to respond to this because Kerry will surely change his position (again) when it's convenient.

While the rest of us are working with current events, Kerry works with, and corrects, the past. Picture this future. Picture a Kerry Presidency: John Kerry would be disappointed that there would be protests against him, and against his policies. Kerry would notice more degrading information about his Vietnam service. Kerry would object to the constant din; and would dislike the hourly “pot-shots” at his droll personality and anything else the opposition could throw his way. During a faux Kerry Presidency, Kerry might want out early.

Kerry reports for duty; but, he doesn’t stay for duty.

[Yesterday's blessing: laryngitis]


The Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi has just finished speaking with Congress. Well done, Mr. Prime Minister.

Allawi expressed his concern about the words of those who appear to waiver on the Iraqi issues, and firmly said, “. . . the sound of defeatism only encourages more violence.”

“Fifteen of the eighteen provinces could have elections tomorrow.”

“Elections will not be perfect.”

Iraqi families want the same things as American families. The “dreams of our families are the same.”

“For the first time in our history”, the Iraqi people are looking forward to “controlling our own destiny.” It would not be possible “without this country and the coalition.”

“The coalition must stand firm.”

“We, Iraqis, are grateful for each man and woman” for the sacrifices.

We “appeal to you, who have done so much.”

“We will stand with you, too”

“. . .working together, we will defeat our killers.”

“God Bless You.”

“And, Thank You.”

[This is not intended to be a perfect transcript. It was intended to grasp the essence of the speech; it was a hopeful speech. Allawi was expressing firm resolve, encouraging continued assistance; discouraging those who would demean the efforts--as encouraging more violence.

It was refreshing to hear someone who is hopeful about Iraq; rather than the normal media and partisan screeches of doom.]

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


It’s rampant in the media; now, it’s in the school. There is too much of this activity going on, in public schools, in colleges. Persuasive propaganda is where you don’t expect it and where you don’t want it.

Today (Wed., Sept. 22), the following was posted:

My kid just brought home a project from school.

He is in the fifth grade and brought home a paper that we were supposed to discuss as a family. It is titled Decision 2004, the road to the election.

[Strike 1:] On one side it depicted President Bush, with his strong points and weak points. Of course there were many more weak points and all were exactly the DNC talking points to perfection.

[Strike 2:]On the otherside it depicted Kerry and his strong points and also his weak points, his strong points were much greater than his weak points. It lead off that he is a decorated war hero, advocate for Veterans rights etc. Then it commended him for his active roll in VVAW as a leader. It also commended his Senate voting record.

Now you might have guessed that I blew a gasket, all my son said is "I would hate to be my teacher tomorrow".

[And, he’s OUT] I responded on that paper to each and every point on both sides, I asked him to read the 14th amendment of the Constitution, and clearly stated how disgusted I am that he would try to brainwash my kids with DNC propaganda. I put my name, phone # and asked him to call this 8 year Veteran of the USMC and discuss the paper with me. Any bets on a return call?

[And, he’s OUTED]I also sent the information to Sean Hanity along with the teachers name , school and phone number. He will be in for a lower GI first thing in the morning, Semper Fi.


Unless the above is incorporated into a political propaganda class, the teacher should run for political office, or work for the party. In short, retire--to another job.
[Apologies to the writer: for adding blank lines for emphasis, and so that I could add my 2 cents.]


Kerry’s trips to Paris to meet with the enemy were just fact-finding missions. This is the excuse. Kerry’s crew claims he didn’t believe what his government was telling him.

Apparently, after one or more discussions, Kerry chose to believe the enemy FIRST. Thereafter, the Kerry words mimicked the enemy’s words.

Strange, isn't it; Kerry thinks if he becomes the President, people will believe him. He and his party have worked hard to see that few believe a sitting President; they have trained us well in the last few years.

Kerry expects people to believe him, now. (It's more than a bit delusional. )

If Kerry mimics the enemy, sounds like the enemy, we can’t tell that Kerry isn’t the enemy. Ah, but of course, Kerry would like us to trust him.

"FOOL ME ONCE . . ."


Burkett may sue CBS for Libel and defamation of character:

Wed Sep 22 2004 00:05:20 ET


The lawyer said the CBS News producer, Mary Mapes, promised to protect Mr. Burkett with complete anonymity and CBS was to “expend both time and money authenticating” the memos.

There’s a novel idea: give the network phony documents and when they complain . . .sue them.

Burkett might have better luck spilling hot coffee on himself at Mickey D’s.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Too Many Questions, Kerry

According to SBD at Bandit’s Hideout

Reprinted from Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004 2:16 a.m. EDT Navy Launches Second Kerry Medal Probe

But Monday's New York Post reported: "Lehman's disavowal of citation No. 3 has prompted a separate investigation."

Word of the second Kerry medals probe comes as complaints escalate over the top Democrat's refusal to authorize the release of his full military file.

Last week he told radio host Don Imus that all the Navy records he had in his possession had been posted to the campaign web site.

But Imus never asked why Kerry hadn't signed Form 180, which would authorize the release of nearly 100 pages from his military file which remain under seal.

Thanks to SBD for finding this article. There are many investigations going on (some informal, but thorough) and although Kerry may not be releasing the records, researchers are able to obtain more information.

Sad that the media seems uninterested in anything questionable about Kerry and falls all over anything that has potential to demean Bush. The media would claim no bias where there is bias. All you needed to see was the Swift Boat information stifled until it was mentioned by Kerry. Then you saw the media scrambling for more. It didn’t appear they were trying to assist the Swiftees; they seemed much more anxious to defend Kerry.

Looks like there is a reason why Kerry won’t sign the form 180. Smells like more to the story. If so, you won’t see Kerry signing any form that will cause him more problems than retracting Christmas in Cambodia, waffling on the first Purple Heart, and not responding to why he used Peck’s honor as Kerry’s honor on the January 29, 1969 incident.

This looks too secretive. There are too many unanswered questions.

Monday, September 20, 2004


By Edward L. Daley of Owner of the Daley Times-Post

“Here are a few more of my thoughts on the matter of John F. Kerry and the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth.”

JOHN KERRY IS A SCAREDYCAT!John Kerry is a scaredycat. There's no better word to describe him at this point in time. How dare I write such a thing about a decorated war veteran? Well, the folks who will surely ask that question upon reading this article assume that Mr. Kerry is what he claims to be. I do not make that assumption, just as I do not assume that the people currently accusing him of deliberate acts of deceit and treachery are correct in all their assertions, although I suspect that most of them honestly believe him to be a despicable character.

When it comes to the question of whether or not John Kerry is what he says he is, I'll just let the facts, as they slowly come to light, speak for themselves. My justification for using such a scandalous word as scaredycat to describe him has more to do with the fact that Mr. Kerry has failed utterly to address the many serious allegations leveled at him by scores of swift boat veterans than it does with what he actually did or didn't do in Vietnam. It's Kerry's blatant ducking of their specific charges which leads me to label him what I have.

After all, it would be easy enough for him to refute at least some of their claims by simply releasing ALL of his war records and facing these men in public, but he has chosen to hide from them. That is a cowardly act, especially when one considers that he is perfectly willing to allow his attack dogs to lambaste these veterans with vicious ad hominem attacks at every turn.

The liberal media, as well, has predictably gone out of it's way to make excuses for his behavior while simultaneously defaming those individuals who laid their lives on the line for our country over three decades ago, most to a far greater degree than John Kerry ever did. They're just all liars and he's just the innocent victim of their slander... case closed! Never mind that many of them, including all the officers who were in his immediate chain of command, have maintained for years that Kerry is an untrustworthy individual who was more interested in his future political career than the safety of the men he commanded.

This is nothing new, of course. Liberals, by and large, admit that they are far more concerned with unseating George Bush in November than considering if their own candidate is an honorable man or not. Moreover, they have never exhibited any love or respect for most Vietnam vets, which makes their sudden support for the junior Bay State Senator so bewildering to so many of us who aren't mindlessly goose-stepping behind him.

Since the beginning of his campaign for president, Kerry has focussed heavily on his four and a half months of experience fighting in Vietnam, never once mentioning his escapades immediately following the war, which many of his contemporaries considered to be treasonous at the time. Anyone who saw the finale of the Democrat National Convention cannot, while maintaining any intellectual honesty at all, refute the fact that John Kerry is playing up his assumed "war hero" status, nor can his supporters deny that they emphatically endorse this strategy.

The anti-war party is propping up a man who has openly confessed to having committed war crimes, and defamed his former comrades in arms as fellow war criminals. Yet he now behaves as if his military service is something he has always been proud of, and every sign-waving, teeth-gnashing, peacenik from Maine to Montana gleefully cheers him on while he shamefully extols himself as the gallant warrior/candidate. Furthermore, they want everyone to believe they are outraged by the fact that the very soldiers he denigrated before Congress upon returning home from Vietnam would now dare treat him with disrespect or question the contention that he's a genuine hero.

At this point I can only ask this: WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE EXPECT? This man did nothing but spew Communist-backed propaganda about how wicked and corrupt the fighting men of our armed forces were during the Vietnam era, illustrating his disdain for everything the military stands for when he, with a fair amount of theatrical flair, tossed his (or at least what he wanted us to believe were his) war decorations over the White House fence during an anti-war demonstration in 1971.

But that incident aside, I have yet to conclude which is more odious, the Senator's avoidance of the highly significant issues raised by people like retired Naval Commander John O'Neill (who has consistently charged that John Kerry is not only an unconscionable liar, but a perpetrator of criminal fraud) or the sycophantic, pro-Kerry rhetoric of most television news commentators, who shriek like pin-pricked infants whenever perfectly reasonable questions are raised about his brief tour of duty in the late 60s.

They, likewise, are cowards because they've intentionally framed the debate regarding Senator Kerry's military record in such a way as to completely evade the substantive aspects of what the swift boat veterans are claiming. They are also as un-American as all get out, because they would rather the people of this country remain ignorant about all this than risk losing another national election. That's not how responsible, fair-minded journalists act, but these partisan weasels are perfectly willing to sacrifice whatever integrity they may have had for the sole purpose of putting a Democrat in the White House.

Back in January, John Kerry challenged his opponents to "Bring it on!". Well, now it's being brought, and the hero from Massachusetts is running for cover behind a wall of name-calling toadies and their vitriolic comrades in the national media. Such behavior only lends credibility to Commander O'Neill's assertions and those of all the other swift boat vets who are taking on the whole Democrat political machine at the expense of being labeled crackpots, right-wing fanatics and worse.

If Mr. Kerry has a problem with what they're saying, or my own characterizations of him, all he has to do is prove us wrong. Just speak up and lay your cards on the table, Senator. Until you do that, I won't hesitate to call you what I think you are, and you can count on your former "brothers in arms" expressing their contempt for you to anyone who will listen.


By Edward L. Daley

Owner of the Daley Times-Post

Edward L. Daley Homepage 09.19.04 - 11:35 pm

Thank you for contributing your thoughts and words to this blog and for your support of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

It is strange that John Kerry can not appreciate protests when he worked so hard to promote protests. John Kerry is achieving protests again . . .but, they are anti-John Kerry. He doesn’t like them. He doesn’t understand them. Imagine that! (Some twists of fate are wonderful.) Hide John Kerry, hide.



NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat John Kerry has turned up his criticism of President George W. Bush's leadership in Iraq, accusing him of "colossal failures of judgment" that have turned the country into a haven for terrorists and made America more vulnerable.

Kerry and crew have been a continuous high-pitched screeching noise; they have hardly “turned up” the criticism. The constant din has made many tone-deaf to caca-phony. When John Kerry has the arrogance to lecture with the words “colossal failures of judgement,” he doesn’t realize that it applied to him and still does apply to him: throwing his medals over the barrier; lies about how many medals, or ribbons, or throwing them at all; meeting our enemies in Paris; promoting the words of those who wish to defeat us; leading a group of dissidents who seem to weaken us with every movement; these are the COLOSSAL FAILURES OF JUDGEMENT.

These are the signs of the person with so little vision he can’t look in the mirror and see the real JOHN KERRY. He is blind to what he has done to us; and now, he wants the opportunity to do it again. Kerry doesn’t see his own COLOSSAL FAILURES OF JUDGEMENT.

Like the “Energizer Bunny” Kerry keeps "MovinOn"; unfortunately, he’s always been going in the wrong direction.


CBS says it can’t Authenticate the Documents on Bush Guard Service (FOX)


CBS News Concludes It Was Misled on National Guard Memos, Network Officials Say

USA Today

Report: CBS to say it erred on Bush Guard memos

Yahoo News

The charge of scandalous behavior by Lt. George W. Bush in the National Guard evolves, on reflection, into scandalous behavior by CBS and Dan Rather. Mr. Rather is standing by his story, but hanging on by his fingernails. The focus had been on whether CBS had relied on forgeries. In his second "60 Minutes" broadcast, Rather had the courage to bring onstage the 86-year-old secretary, Mrs. Marian Carr Knox, who said flat-out that the document suggesting inattentive duty was a forgery -- this was not a document typed by her or in her office.



[CBS could have pulled the story in the first 6 hours.



CBS deeply regrets . . .

CBS News admits it was wrong.

Will CBS follow CNN and start as new campaign as THE NEW TRUSTED NETWORK.

CBS was deceived? No, we were deceived. We can't trust the news.